G'day Daisuke,

This is from the DT:F:J docs:

use DateTime::Format::Japanese;
my $fmt = DateTime::Format::Japanese->new(
    number_format         => FORMAT_KANJI,
    year_format           => FORMAT_ERA,
    with_gregorian_marker => 1,
    with_bc_marker        => 1,
    with_ampm_marker      => 1,
    with_day_of_week      => 1

With all these options, aren't we better off to make this a strp/strf type module?

We have two kinds of formatters AFAIK:
1. Formatting for a purpose. Such as HTTP which requires a particular format
2. Formatting for any purpose. Such as strptime which allows a user to specify the format.

I'd suggest this module should be the latter and just have it return kanji characters rather than latin.


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