On Tue, 10 Feb 2004, Mark Fowler wrote:

> Okay, I'm probably being stupid but...how do I get the number of seconds
> a DateTime::Duration takes?  I *think* I should be using delta_seconds,
> but that doesn't seem to work:
>   use DateTime::Duration;
>   my $dur = DateTime::Duration->new(hours => 2);
>   print $dur->hours . ":" .
>         $dur->minutes . ":" .
>         $dur->seconds . "\n";
>   print $dur->delta_minutes . ":" .
>         $dur->delta_seconds . "\n";
> Prints:
>   2:0:0
>   120:0
> Shouldn't that print
>   2:0:0
>   120:7200
> Or am I being really stupid?  It has been known.

I think it's a documentation problem.  Basically, 2 hours != 7200 seconds,
because of leap seconds.

A duration is made up internally of several different units, months, days,
minutes, seconds, and nanoseconds.

Of those, the only ones that convert or normalize two other units are
seconds <=> nanoseconds.  For all the others, we cannot convert between

The "delta_*" methods return the internal values, and are used for doing
math.  The non-delta methods return values more suitable for display.

I should add a section to the docs on this so that people know what to

If you want to know how many seconds a duration really represents, you
have to add it to a datetime to find out, so you could do:

 my $now = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'UTC' );
 my $later = $now->clone->add_duration($duration);

 my $seconds_dur = $later->subtract_datetime_absolute($now);

This returns a duration which only contains seconds and nanoseconds.
There are other subtract/delta methods in DateTime.pm to generate
different types of durations.


House Absolute Consulting

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