On Fri, 20 Feb 2004, Nik Clayton wrote:

> Richard Clamp and myself have just released Text::vFile::asData, for easy
> parsing of vFile files, including (and hopefully of relevance to this list)
> RFC2445 vCalendar files.
>     http://search.cpan.org/~rclamp/Text-vFile-asData/
> In particular, some of the examples
>     https://unixbeard.net/svn/richardc/perl/Parse-vFile/examples/
> show how to read vCalendar files, generate DateTime objects, and use those
> objects, ::Sets, and ::Spans to generate useful reports.  Hopefully people
> new to DateTime might find these interesting and/or helpful.

Cool.  Once the higher-level stuff is released, let us know and I'll add a
link to it at datetime.perl.org


House Absolute Consulting

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