On Thu, 4 Mar 2004, Dave Rolsky wrote:

> >   $set2 = $set->set_map( sub {
> >       $_[0]->add( hours => 1 );
> >       return;
> >     }
> >   );
> >   # same as before.
> Hmm, this does encourage the "map in void context" idiom, which is
> unfortunate.  In this case, $set2 would be an empty set.  Maybe we should
> leave iterate()  in as well, since map in a void context is discouraged in
> Perl.

Actually, this doesn't encourage it and we _still_ need iterate() for
sure.  We can have set_map() only be used to create a new set, and
iterate() only be used to alter the current set in place.


House Absolute Consulting

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