Thanks for all the suggestions. I have been looking through the Olsen distribution files (, etc.), and was considering making up a conversion table. I just didn't want to re-invent the wheel if it had already been done.

Now, as for "I need to figure out which of the Olsen zones "Austin TX" is located in.", I can offer a solution: Ask the user.

Welllll...... mebbe. But you have to assume the user is dumb and doesn't know. :-)

There is commercial software that does all this. It is the "International Atlas," based on the Shanks time-changes books and published by the same people. I don't know what system they use for their lookups -- probably some sort of internal conversion table of the same type we're discussing here. They charge mucho bucks for their software, especially for use in a Web environment.

Since no one has actually done it yet, I will go ahead and see if I can make up some kind of a lookup/conversion table. (I'm apparently going to have to do this anyway for my client's project.) I will make the results available here, and if there's some way they can be integrated into DateTime, I think it might make a lot of people happy.

(Of course, that means such a table would have to be updated periodically, to take into account political changes, etc.)

Anyways, I will see what I can come up with and let y'all know.

--- Ed

======================== Ed Perrone Interactive Web Development [EMAIL PROTECTED] ========================

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