On Wed, 9 Jun 2004, Matt Sisk wrote:

> I understand that division can be expressed as multiplication, but is
> there any particular reason why division (/) is not overloaded but
> multiplication is for durations? Then you could say:
>   $midpoint = ($dt2 - $dt1)/2;
> rather than
>   $midpoint = ($dt2 - $dt1) * 0.5;
> Small thing. Just curious.

Thinking about this more, I'm considering maybe just requiring that
multiplication be passed an integer, because if you do this:

 my $dur = DateTime::Duration->new( months => 1, days => 1, minutes => 1 );

 print DateTime->now->add_duration($dur)->datetime;

The results are kind of weird, and certainly not what anyone would expect.


House Absolute Consulting

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