Quoting Dave Rolsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > With DateTime::Span:
> >
> >  $mid_point =
> >     $span->start->add_duration(
> >         seconds => $span->duration->seconds / 2
> >     );
> >
> > With DateTime:
> >
> >   $mid_point =
> >     $start->add_duration(
> >         seconds => $end->subtract_datetime_absolute(
> >             $start
> >         )->seconds / 2
> >     );
> Oh, duh!  Why didn't I think of that.  That's nice & simple.

If the operator overloads did that sort of thing behind the scene (and yes, with
spans also), then it would be nicer and simpler. :)

But thanks, Flavio and Dave, for the recipes and dealing with my questions.

> > How about a DateTime::Span->midpoint method?
> Let's wait and see if others ask for it.  For now, let's just add those
> recipes to the faq.

Midpoints are compelling, but also arbitrary. I'd like to see the general
problem of portioning a span, or the delta between two arbitrary datetimes
(expressed as a span or otherwise, transparently), solved in a general way.
After all, if "midpoint" is that common, sure, provide a method, but we don't
need methods for thirds, quarters, eighths, forty-thirds, etc.

Thanks again,
Matt (in the Big Easy for a wedding...man I should get some sleep)

P.S. Sorry for the wonky quoting in my earlier messages -- I plead inadequate
mail client that can't properly convert between markup and plain text.

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