On Thu, 9 Sep 2004, Joshua Hoblitt wrote:

> You can more then double your performance with DateTime::Format::Strptime by
> instantiating a parser object and reusing it.  You should also keep in mind
> that Time::Piece doesn't really support leapseconds (it may be able to parse
> them on some platforms if it's using gmtime(3)...  haven't looked at the
> source).

More importantly, Time::Piece->strptime returns a Time::Piece object,
which is much less useful than a DateTime object.

Implementing DateTime::Format::StrptimeXS using the code from Time::Piece
would be relatively trivial.  It'd still be a fair bit slower than
Time::Piece since constructing a DateTime object is definitely slower than
constructing a Time::Piece object.


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