Hi Flavio,
> Ron Hill wrote:
> >
> > Do you think we can add to the docs to state these
> > are "getter" methods? something like
> How about:
>     These methods return a copy of the actual
>     boundary values, meaning you can't use them to
>     set/change the value.

That sounds much better:)
> The easiest way to build the "current month" is
> using the "before" parameter in DT::Span:
>    use DateTime::Span;
>    $month = DateTime->today->truncate( to => month );

Actually I run the reports on the first of the month for the previous
month so I had to do this
my $month = DateTime->today->truncate( to => 'month' )->subtract( months =>1);

>    $dt_span = DateTime::Span->from_datetimes(
>                 start =>  $month->clone,
>                 before => $month->add( months => 1 ),
>               );
That works for me :) Thanks for all of your help!!!

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