
I'm trying to find the difference betwen two datetime objects, but I'm getting some unexpected results. I start with two dates out of mysql (code simplified a bit for this example):

  my $start_date = DateTime::Format::MySQL->parse_date( '2005-01-05' );
  my $end_date = DateTime::Format::MySQL->parse_date( '2005-01-23' );

Then I use one of these two techniques to perform the subtraction:

  my $duration = $start_date->delta_days( $end_date );

  my $duration = $end_date - $start_date;

Expecting to get a $duration of 18 days. But with either technique, the resulting $duration->days value is 4 instead of the expected 18. And when I ask for $duration->hours, it gives me 0.

Further experimentation with the two dates involved reveals that subtracting two dates that are within a few days of each other seems to work, but at a certain point it breaks down and gives erroneous results. Any idea what could be going on here?


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