On Sat, 26 Feb 2005, Dave Rolsky wrote:
> - Uses much newer (August, 2004) data from ICU.  

> I just noticed that this causes a DT::Set test to 
> fail, because the pt_BR locale data changed.

> Flavio, I checked in a fix for this (to use en_US, 
> which hasn't ever changed). 

I sent DateTime::Set 0.20 to CPAN:

0.20   2005-02-28
- changed tests to use en_US instead of pt_BR (which
  changes every year) - by Dave Rolsky.
- optimized SpanSet methods for special cases:
  contains( $dt )
  intersects( $dt )
- added an example to count(), by David Nicol.
- added a note about how the result of min()/max() 
  is just a copy of the actual set boundary.  
  Reported by Ron Hill.

- Flavio S. Glock

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