Daisuke Maki wrote:
I actually would rather see an mod_perl-style 'add if requested' style.

  use DateTime; # load just the basics
  use DateTime::Format qw(strftime strptime hms);
        # maybe use DateTime::Format qw(:common) ?

  my $dt = DateTime->now;
  print $dtd->hms;

At least, I don't much like the idea of having to use a different class name like 'DTD'

I'm cool with that .. I guess then that each Format module that is 'use'd would somehow publish methods to the DateTime Class rather than an object? I'm not sure how this would be technically done using your example code ..

I guess we could get DateTime to suck in decorators or formats?

use DateTime qw(

Each Format module would then be checked for a %DECORATORS hash of coderefs which would become methods in DateTime:

package DateTime::Format::Strptime;

.. current code base doesn't change ..

use vars qw/%DECORATORS/;
        strptime => sub {
                my $self    = shift; # This is a DT object
                my $pattern = shift;
                my $string  = shift;
                my $formatter = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new(
                        pattern => $pattern
                $self = $formatter->parse_datetime( $string );

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