This may be a bug - I think byday=>["mo"] causes hour/min/second to be zero.
I'll test this.

- Flavio S. Glock

2005/9/5, Chiradeep Chhaya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi
> I am using the DateTime::Event::ICal->recur() function to calculate
> recurrences and whether the rpesent date/time lies in the recurrence.
> To state simply, my start and end dates as well as the recurrence are
> declared as follows:
> my $dt = DateTime->new( year   => 2005,
>                           month  => '08',
>                           day    => 29,
>                          hour    => 15,
>                          minute  => 05,
>                          second  => 00
>                         );
> my $end = DateTime->new( year => 2005,
>                           month => 11,
>                           day    => 27,
>                          hour    => 16,
>                          minute  => 25,
>                          second  => 00
>                          );
> my $set = DateTime::Event::ICal->recur(
>        dtstart => $dt,
>        freq =>    'secondly',
>          interval => 1,
>          byday => ["mo"],
>          dtend   => $end
> );
> And this is what I need to check
> my $bool = $set->contains( DateTime->now() );
> As of this writing, DateTime->now() returns 20050905T162355 in the
> ICal format and the day is Monday.
> I have two questions to ask here:
> 1) The bool value returned is FALSE whereas I believe it should be true.
> 2) Without the byday and interval arguments, the bool value is TRUE.
> Are these arguments causing issues?
> Appreciate any help in this regard.
> Many thanks
> -Chiradeep

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