
Please forgive me if I've wrongly posted the message.

I've encountered some difficulties while moving my program from FC2 to
FC4. And it happens to have the following errors ...

I've googled it and some people has mentioned that the wrong ISO format
triggered this error. But I question is, it used to work before Perl
version 5.8.6. I don't get it why this time it couldn't work.

Oct 17 17:20:02 FC4 RT:  at /usr/local/rt3/lib/RT/Date.pm line 170
RT::Date::Set('RT::Date=HASH(0xacde74c)', 'Format', 'ISO', 'Value',
1129540502) called at /usr/local/rt3/bin/create_incident line 85

# in /usr/local/rt3/bin/create_incident
my $now = new RT::Date($RT::SystemUser);
my $date = new RT::Date($RT::SystemUser);
my $timeFrom = new RT::Date($RT::SystemUser);
open(FILE, ">/var/log/myerror.log");
print FILE "1 TimeFrom: " . $timeFrom . "\n";
$timeFrom -> Set(Format => 'ISO', Value=> $now-> ISO);
print FILE "2 TimeFrom: " . $timeFrom . "\n";
$timeFrom -> Set(Format => 'ISO', Value=> $timeFrom->
SubtractSeconds($timeInterval));  # line 85
print FILE "3 TimeFrom: " . $timeFrom . "\n";
close FILE;

# dumped message from myerror.log
1 TimeFrom: RT::Date=HASH(0x997874c)
2 TimeFrom: RT::Date=HASH(0x997874c)
3 TimeFrom: RT::Date=HASH(0x997874c)

Can someone please comment on it?



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