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On Fri, 16 Dec 2005, Tatsuhiko Miyagawa wrote:

Sorry for the dumb question.

Suppose I have $year == 2005 and $week_number == 42, how can I get the
date range (or first day) of the week number, in DateTime?

There's no really nice way to do this right now, though you can do it programatically:

 my $dt = DateTime->new( year => $year );
 my ($week_year, $week_num) = $dt->week();
 until ( $week_year == $year && $week_num = $week_i_want ) {
     $dt->add( days => 1 );
     ($week_year, $week_num) = $dt->week();

This seems like something that'd be a nice add-on constructor for DateTime.pm. Maybe we need some DateTime::Constructor::* modules or something, because I sure don't want dozens of constructors in the core code.

If you look in DateTime.pm at the week() sub you'll see how that's calculated. Some clever person could probably reverse the algorithm to make a constructor.


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