Hmm, it's not even as simple as that... as I just (re)noticed the dox state

     This specifies a recurrence that happens at 10:30 on the day specified by
     start => $dt, and then every 11 days before and after $dt.

When trying to figure out why that didn't work. Am I the only one who does
this sort of date math that seems to fall between different areas? Or am I
abusing the modules or what? It's not simply that there isn't a comprehensive
roadmap for the suite/namespace is there?
MOTD on Sweetmorn, the 63rd of Discord, in the YOLD 3172:
...and grenades are also useful for digging foxholes, removing unwanted 
shrubbery, unclogging drains... --Axly's Book of Explosives for Pyromaniacs

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