Daisuke Maki schreef:
> Dr.Ruud:
>> Daisuke Maki:

[TOFU corrected]

>>> if we can somehow speed up
>>> DT::add_duration(), then overall perfomance will
>>> improve significantly
>> Dit you also test with Memoize?
> hmmm, isn't that a bit much? I mean, you can't really expect to
> memoize date math.

That depends entirely on your application. If you happen to call a
certain sub (or method) often and with the same parameters, it can be
worth it.

The sub itself could cache results, intermediates too.

Memoize is mentioned in Date::Manip's pod, but Date::Manip is pure Perl.

Affijn, Ruud

"Gewoon is een tijger."

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