Hi all

Attached is a proposed DateTime::Format::Oracle for your comment.

Just a couple of notes for non-Oracle people. Unlike some DBs, Oracle
doesn't have a canonical date format. If a date is in a specific format,
then the developer can simply supply the preferred format mask when
inserting a value into a date column.  Oracle doesn't distinguish between
date and datetime data. If a user doesn't supply a time, it defaults to

This module expects the NLS_DATE_FORMAT environment variable to be set with
the preferred Oracle format for the date. For the average Oracle DBI
programmer, this module doesn't really add much value - you can simply set
your mask by hand in your SQL. Its target is those who need to write
database-agnostic code (say for use with something like DBIx::Class's new
transparent date inflation and deflation functionality).


Dan Horne

Attachment: DateTime-Format-Oracle-0.01.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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