I need to parse date and time values that are encoded in the LDAP
Generalized Time syntax. According to RFC 4517, Section 3.3.13, this syntax
is "a restriction of the format defined in [ISO 8601:2004]". 

Following the syntax rules, a sample date and time may be encoded as
20070502074805Z (Note the lack of 'T' to seperate date and time.)

Parsing this sample date and time with DateTime::Format::ISO8601 (version 
0.06) using parse_datetime() fails, giving the following error message:
  Invalid date format: 20070502074805Z at test.pl line 499

Since I don't have access to the ISO standard, I cannot verify that the
format as given in RFC 4517 is really standards compliant, but
http://hydracen.com/dx/iso8601.htm, Section "Comined Date/Time Formats",
seems to indicate it is.

Given all this, I'd now like to know whether this format will be supported
by some future version of DateTime::Format::ISO8601, or if I should
contribute a seperate module to handle LDAP's Generalized Time syntax
(which would be easy, since I have already have a prototype that satiesfies
my own requirements).


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