
I was wondering what people were currently using for localised, human readable time durations.

I have been using Time::Interval to output duration as 5 hours, 34 mins, 42 seconds, or 5h34m42s, but I have a requirement to change this to localised formats.

Looking on CPAN, these appear to be the current options:

DateTime::Format::Human::Duration - 

Not updated since July 2008. Supports spanish, portugese, english

There is a comment that maybe this could be supported in DateTime::Locale instead.

Time::Duration::Locale - http://search.cpan.org/~kryde/Time-Duration-Locale-1/

Not DateTime oriented. Supports swedish, japanese, english

Locale::Maketext::Utils - http://search.cpan.org/~dmuey/Locale-Maketext-Utils/

Mentions a datetime_duration beta, but not in source.

So I was wondering what others used? Or where it is best to concentrate efforts?

We can invest some time in this, so we can provide patches and other translations.


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