Based on Jim Brunette's observation, I soon found this:
    August 2009 cumulative time zone update
    for Microsoft Windows operating systems

    The update that this article describes
    changes the time zone data to
    accommodate daylight saving time (DST)
    changes in several countries, as
    outlined in this article. This update
    also includes other DST-related changes,
    time zone-related changes, and
    settings-related changes. Some of these
    changes have occurred since the products
    that are listed in the "Applies to"
    section were originally released.

The CLDR has this:

And here is its XML source named supplementalData.xml:

So it seems there is a standard mapping of Microsoft Windows time zones to the 
Olsen tz (Zoneinfo) database, but that is isn't up-to-date enough for practical 
use. I guess this is the problem with trying to standardize the coupling of two 
non-standard things (well, one proprietary thing with another de facto standard 

Jim Monty

----- Original Message ----
From: Jim Brunette <>
To: Dave Rolsky <>
Cc: datetime <>
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 2:05:37 PM
Subject: Re: Win32 help for DT::TimeZone

Here's my guess...

#  Failed test 'Kamchatka Standard Time - found valid Olson time zone from 
#  at t\19local-win32.t line 115.

#  Failed test 'Paraguay Standard Time - found valid Olson time zone from 
#  at t\19local-win32.t line 115.

#  Failed test 'UTC - found valid Olson time zone from Windows'
#  at t\19local-win32.t line 115.

It looks like these timezones are missing from %WinToOlson in 

Need to add the following to the above hash:
'Kamchatka Standard Time' => 'Asia/Kamchatka',
'Paraguay Standard Time'  => 'America/Asuncion',
'UTC'                    => 'UTC',

Jim Brunette

P.S. I did not test the above. (I am using ActivePerl, not sure how it runs or 
reports its tests.)

Dave Rolsky wrote:
> Anyone care to take a stab at figuring that out?
> -dave

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