Note that this release officially deprecates a lot of old methods. If you are using (cough, Rick Measham ;) then please update your code.

0.44   2009-09-12

- All methods which return strftime-style patterns are officially
  deprecated (and have been a little broken for some time, regardless).
  This includes all date and time format methods ending in "_format".

- Other deprecated methods include:
  date_parts_order, date_before_time
  era, eras
  month_name, month_abbreviation, month_narrow
  month_names, month_abbreviations, month_narrows
  day_name, day_abbreviation, day_narrow
  day_names, day_abbreviations, day_narrows
  quarter_name, quarter_abbreviation, quarter_narrow
  quarter_names, quarter_abbreviations
  am_pm, am_pms
  era_name, era_abbreviation
  era_narrow, era_names, era_abbreviations

- All of these deprecated methods will eventually be removed. If you are using
  them directly, please change your code.

- Converted data files in tools/t/test-data to Unix line endings. This works
  around a bug in Module::Signature. Reported by Zefram. RT #49085.

- Require Params::Validate 0.91, since 0.89 caused test failures for
  someone. Reported by Jeremy Hetzler. RT #41365.

Dave Rolsky
Compassionate Action for Animals -
VegGuide.Org -

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