Thanks Zefram. This was the first time I ran into that. It sure is not
obvious from any documentation I could find, but it does work.

Peter Farr
LPI Solutions
(416) 436-5977

On Tue, 2009-11-10 at 19:54 +0000, Zefram wrote:
> Peter Farr wrote:
> >Everything else has a
> >Makefile.PL that produces a Makefile, but DateTime only has a Build.PL.
> This is a new (well, new*er*) installation protocol.  With a Makefile.PL
> you're accustomed to the sequence
>       perl Makefile.PL
>       make
>       make test
>       make install
> With a Build.PL you instead to
>       perl Build.PL
>       ./Build
>       ./Build test
>       ./Build install
> The advantage of the new protocol, where Build.PL creates a Perl script
> named "Build", is that the process no longer relies on make(1), the
> availability and behaviour of which is highly variable.
> -zefram

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