Thank you very much for your investigation.

As I recently found the UTC x floating time zone was caused by old
DateTime::Format::Strptime (1.0601 vs 1.0702).
It is pretty explicit in code.

The upgrade will do for me.

Roman Daniel

2009/12/1 Nathan Gray <>

> On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 08:24:10PM +0100, Roman Daniel wrote:
> > No, DateTime objects returned don't have floating time zone (which would
> be
> > more OK), but UTC.
> >
> > [dani...@irsay danielr]$ cat /tmp/
> > #use lib qw(/tmp/);
> > use strict;
> > use DateTime::Format::Oracle;
> > my $dt = DateTime::Format::Oracle->parse_datetime('2009-11-03 12:23:33');
> > warn $dt->time_zone;
> > [dani...@irsay danielr]$ perl /tmp/
> > DateTime::TimeZone::UTC=HASH(0x806aea4) at /tmp/ line 5.
> Very odd.  Most machines I've tested this on work as expected:
>  $ perl /tmp/
>   DateTime::TimeZone::Floating=HASH(0x9c26880) at /tmp/ line 5.
> I did manage to find one that shows the behavior you are
> experiencing:
>  $ perl /tmp/
>   DateTime::TimeZone::UTC=HASH(0x8450244) at /tmp/ line 5.
> Here are the various version numbers:
> module                      floating  UTC
> --------------------------  --------  ----
> DateTime::Format::Oracle    0.05      0.05
> DateTime::Format::Builder   0.7901    0.77
> DateTime::Format::Strptime  1.0702    1.04
> DateTime                    0.42      0.35
> The only machine I have that is returning UTC DateTime objects
> has quite old versions of some of those modules.
> I have not investigated this enough to pinpoint where the problem
> is.  If upgrading fixes this for you, that's great.  If you find
> that is not sufficient, let me know and I will try to find some
> time to debug this further.  Any debugging you can do to help me
> out would be great.
> -kolibrie
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
> p/cAnRdvRmcqHv0qvTPCN3Nd0BqOrbnr
> =/2sh

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