That is an option, just thought that since DateTime::Format::Strptime
already provides a function for time_zone it would make sense for all things
parsed or formatted be done in respect to that time_zone.

Like I said I already have a class that takes care of this, my own subclass
of DateTime::Format::Strptime.  I was just trying to suggest the feature to
be added to DateTime::Format::Strptime itself.

When I do this:
my $Strp = new DateTime::Format::Strptime(
     pattern => '%T',
     locale => 'en_AU',
     time_zone => 'Australia/Melbourne',

I expect all data in and data out (parsed and formatted) of the object $Strp
be in respect to time_zone 'Australia/Melbourne'.

I didn't want the current functionality of DateTime::Format::Strptime to
change which is why I suggested the 'format_with_time_zone' option.

If I'm way off base about this, no biggie I'll just keep using my subclass.
Just thought the feature might help more people than just me.


On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 9:40 AM, Bill Moseley <> wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 5:28 AM, Kevin McGrath <>wrote:
>> Doing the work in parse_datetime does not work for me.  In fact I almost
>> never call parse_datetime directly and when I do it's to get the datetime
>> passed in from a form into UTC.  I need/want the time_zone conversion to
>> also happen within the format_datetime function when necessary.
> Does it have to happen within the formatting?  I use something like this:
>  [% user_time( user.expire_date ).strftime( user.time_pattern || '%x %X' )
> %]
> Where user_time is a closure that simply does $dt->clone->set_time_zone(
> $current_user->time_zone );
> A VMethod would be cleaner, but I was lazy.
> --
> Bill Moseley

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