Hello all,

I am trying to parse BSD Syslog format time stamps, like this one:

Sep 1 05:39:02

Using the DateTime::Format::Strptime class, the call is failing with 
the following result, when I use the format string '%b %d %H:%M:%S'.

There is no use providing a month name (Sep) without providing a year.
at /homes/megahall/workspace/montage/src/Yahoo/Montage/WelfParser.pm line 55

Searching for the error on the Internet even with the "(Sep)" removed 
does not return any meaningful results.

I am wondering what I can do to fix this issue so I can get DateTime 
working, or if there is a workaround of some sort. It does not seem 
reasonable to croak or return undef time object because then there is 
no way to set a valid year using a member function plus some external 
year logic.

In addition, when trying to debug using the default on_error undef 
setup, I discovered it is not possible to see this error message, and 
that the $object->errstr() method mentioned in the documentation does 
not seem to exist. Grepping the perl lib folder did not reveal it 
either and I got an error trying to call it as well.

Further information below.


In the grep output; only a documentation passage is mentioned. This is 
the passage from the documentation:

This is the default behavior. The module will return undef whenever it
gets upset. The error can be accessed using the $object->errstr method.
This is the ideal behaviour for interactive use where a user might
provide an illegal pattern or a date that doesn't match the pattern.

Here are my package versions.


Here is a code snippet.

my @date_time_formats = (
    # BSD: 'Mmm DD HH:MM:SS'
    ['BSD Syslog'           , new DateTime::Format::Strptime(pattern => '%b %d 
%H:%M:%S'      , locale => 'en_US', time_zone => 'GMT', diagnostic => 
$diagnostic, on_error => 'croak')],

sub welf_time {
    my ($time_str) = @_;
    $log->debug("process time_str [$time_str]");
    my $date_time;
    my $type;
    my $parser;
    for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@date_time_formats); $i++) {
        eval {
            $type = $date_time_formats[$i][0];
            $parser = $date_time_formats[$i][1];
            $log->trace("call parser [$type]");
            $date_time = $parser->parse_datetime($time_str);
            $log->trace("return parser [$type] result [" . display($date_time) 
. "] errstr [" . display($parser->errstr()) . "]");
        if ($@) {
            $log->info("parser [$type] experienced exception {...@}\n");
    $log->log(!defined($date_time)? $WARN : $TRACE,
        "processed time_str [$time_str] into date_time [" . display($date_time) 
. "]");
    if (!defined($date_time)) {
        $date_time = DateTime->now();
    return $date_time->epoch();

Below is the log4perl output, along with diagnostic enabled on the 

[2010/09/01 20:06:30] [WelfParser.pm:44] [DEBUG]
process time_str [Sep 1 05:39:02]
[2010/09/01 20:06:30] [WelfParser.pm:53] [TRACE]
call parser [BSD Syslog]

Entered     = Sep 1 05:39:02
Parser      = ($month_name, $day, $hour_24, $minute, $second) =
    $time_string =~ /(\S+) ([\d ]?\d) ([\d ]?\d):([\d ]?\d):([\d ]?\d)/

dow_name    = 
month_name  = Sep
century     = 
day         = 1
hour_24     = 05
hour_12     = 
doy         = 
month       = 
minute      = 39
ampm        = 
second      = 02
nanosecond  = 
week_sun_0  = 
dow_sun_0   = 
dow_mon_1   = 
week_mon_1  = 
year_100    = 
year        = 
ce_year     = 
tz_offset   = 
tz_olson    = 
timezone    = 
epoch       = 
iso_week_year     = 
iso_week_year_100 = 

Using timezone DateTime::TimeZone::UTC=HASH(0x9162350).

[2010/09/01 20:06:30] [WelfParser.pm:61] [INFO]
parser [BSD Syslog] experienced exception {
There is no use providing a month name (Sep) without providing a year.
at /homes/megahall/workspace/montage/src/Yahoo/Montage/WelfParser.pm line 55

[2010/09/01 20:06:30] [WelfParser.pm:65] [WARN]
processed time_str [Sep 1 05:39:02] into date_time [undef]

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