On Sat, Apr 23, 2016 at 10:14 AM, Zefram <zef...@fysh.org> wrote:

> Bill Moseley wrote:
> >    hour    => 12,  # Assume this exists
> This does not always exist.  Africa/Khartoum on 2000-01-15, for example.
> In fact, thanks to cases such as Pacific/Apia on 2011-12-30, not only is
> there no hour that exists on every day in every zone, there are actually
> some zone days for which no hour exists.

$ perl -le 'use DateTime; my $dt = DateTime->new( year => 2000, month => 1,
day => 15, hour => 12 )->set_time_zone( "Africa/Khartoum")'
Invalid local time for date in time zone: Africa/Khartoum


The code Eric pointed me to sets the hour to 12 on a floating $dt and then
sets the timezone.  Sounds like there's cases where that could still fail.

If I cannot assume hour 12 exists (or assume anything) how can I find my
starting valid $dt in the target time zone to look back for the starting

> >And for the end time of the month (to the second):
> Rather than subtract a second and use a <= comparison, it's cleaner to
> use the start time of the next month and a < comparison.

Yes, that makes sense.

This is for a form where a user can enter a start and end date (not a time)
and expect to see all events during those days.  i.e.   From 2016-04-01 to

The form's defaults are suppose to be the dates for the *current* start and
end of the month *in the user's time zone*.

I then need to convert those into a timestamp (including offset) that the
database can compare against.  The database's session is not in the target
timezone so I cannot simply compare the date part.

> >I was thinking of an implementation that assumed DST change happened at an
> >hour boundary and simply try incrementing hours until no more exceptions.
> That's a bad assumption.  You can assume *minute* boundaries, but
> not hours.
> -zefram


Bill Moseley

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