You wrote the module DateTime::Format::Roman in 2003 and 2004.
At this time, it was up to date and conform to the CPAN and Perl
rules. But since then, the world has moved, and so did Perl and
CPAN and the CPAN testers. And now, with recent versions of Perl,
DT::F::R does not even compile.

In July 2011 I created a RT ticket with a patch.
But you have not answered to me and you have not patched
your module. Your module is mentioned in Neil Bower's list of
CPAN Adoption Candidates:

If you are no longer interested in DateTime,
please can you give me co-maintainer status, or even
full ownership?

I have forked this module from Gitpan, I
have applied my patch and I have made other improvements.
So the module is ready on Github. See:

And by the way, excuse me for the typos to your name
that you could find in this Git repository.

Thank you in advance for giving me a maintenance
bit on DateTime::Format::Roman.

Jean Forget
JFORGET at CPAN dot org

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