When codecs share resources, they must be configured into the same
'group', like this:
Server.algs = [
    {name: "viddec_copy", mod: VIDDEC_COPY, threadAttrs: {
        stackMemId: 0, priority: Server.MINPRI + 2},
        groupId : 0,
    {name: "videnc_copy", mod: VIDENC_COPY, threadAttrs: {
        stackMemId: 0, priority: Server.MINPRI + 2},
        groupId : 0,
You might consider posting the entire server config script so we can
sanity check it, and see if anything else jumps out.


com] On Behalf Of X. Zhou
        Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2007 5:37 AM
        To: davinci-linux-open-source@linux.davincidsp.com
        Subject: DMA channels sharing between multiple algorithms
        Hi, everyone, 
        I encounterer a very weird problem related to DMA which needs
your help.
        I use the DVSDK software architecure to develop a H.264 video
codec on the EVM6446 board.
        At dsp side, there are 2 algorithms, one is encoder, which use 8
QDMA channels and totally 30 param entryes during each process loop, the
other is decoder, which use also 8 QDMA channels and totally 16 param
entryes) during each process loop,
        And I configure the server just like the following:
        DMAN3.qdmaPaRamBase      = 0x01C04000;
        DMAN3.maxPaRamEntries    = 128;
        DMAN3.paRamBaseIndex     = 64;
        DMAN3.numPaRamEntries    = 64;
        DMAN3.maxQdmaChannels    = 8;
        DMAN3.numQdmaChannels    = 8;
        DMAN3.qdmaChannels       = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7];
        DMAN3.numTccGroup[0]     = 8;
        DMAN3.numPaRamGroup[0]   = 64;
        DMAN3.tccAllocationMaskH = 0xffffffff;
        DMAN3.tccAllocationMaskL = 0x00000000;
        DMAN3.heapInternal = "L1DSRAM_HEAPLABEL";
        DMAN3.heapExternal = "DDR_HEAPLABEL";
        DMAN3.idma3Internal      = true;
        The main loop of my application is just like the following:
        henc = VIDENC_create(hCE, encoder_name, &encparams);
        hdec = VIDENC_create(hCE, decoder_name, &decparams);
        while ( i < frameNum )
              if ( encoder_enable_flag )           
                   status = VIDENC_process(henc,   &enc_inbuf_desc,
&enc_outbuf_desc,   &enc_inargs,   &enc_outargs);
              if ( decoder_enable_flag )           
                   status = VIDDEC_process(hdec,   &dec_inbuf_desc,
&dec_outbuf_desc,   &dec_inargs,   &dec_outargs);
        Now the problem is:
        (1) If I enable both encoder and decoder(i.e., set
encoder_enable_flag and decoder_enable_flag to be 1),  sometimes
decoder's decoded frames is not consistent to the standard decoded
frames.  But if i only enable decoder only (i.e., encoder_enable_flag =
1 and decoder_enable_flag  = 1),  the decoder works perfectly always.
        (2) I replace all the DMA transfer opeations in decoder with
memcpy() functions, and then repeat the steps in (1), the decoder does
work .
        So i doubt this problem maybe  is caused by the DMA
configuration and DMA channels sharing between 2 algorithms. 
        I have checked all the DMA configurations in both my encoder and
        for example, at the entry point and exit point of  each process
call, make sure all the QDMA channels has been in done status, and
activate ( at the entry point) / deacitivate ( at the exit point) them. 
        And I am sure that the DMA configuration is correct, and no
memory out-of-range accesses exit.
        have i missed something about DMA channels  sharing between
multiple algorithms?
        Who can give me any clue about it?
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