hi all,
I'm so sorry to trouble you.But I need some help. Attached is my example what i 
did. I want to integrate the algorithm G711DEC and G711ENC and build for a CE 
Server for the DSP. 
The files g711dec and g711enc are come from the direcrtory  
"\codec_servers_1_00\packages\ti\sdo\codecs\" ,and i have never rebuilt them. I 
have edit the *.cfg,*.tcf,package.xdc,package.bld,makefile and main.c files in 
the same directory "\examples\servers\g711\" refer to the files in the 
directory "\codec_engine_1_02\examples\servers\video_copy\". 
Then,I gmake ,I got some errs look as follows:
ti.sdo.ce.bioslog.init() ...
js: "/opt/dvevm/dvevm_1_10/xdctools_1_21/packages/xdc/xdc.tci", line 226: 
exception from uncaught JavaScript throw: Error: xdc.loadPackage: can't find 
package 'codecs.g711dec' along the path 
 try redefining the package path (XDCPATH).
    "./g711.cfg", line 11
    "/opt/dvevm/dvevm_1_10/xdctools_1_21/include/utils.tci", line 562
    "/opt/dvevm/dvevm_1_10/xdctools_1_21/include/utils.tci", line 480
    "./package/cfg/g711_x64P.cfg", line 507
    "./package/cfg/g711_x64P.cfg", line 481
    "./package/cfg/g711_x64P.cfg", line 532
    "/opt/dvevm/dvevm_1_10/xdctools_1_21/include/utils.tci", line 562
    "/opt/dvevm/dvevm_1_10/xdctools_1_21/packages/xdc/cfg/cfg.js", line 45
gmake: *** [package/cfg/g711_x64P.xdl] Error 1
gmake: *** [package/cfg/g711_x64P.xdl] Deleting file 
gmake: *** [package/cfg/g711_x64P.xdl] Deleting file 
gmake: *** [package/cfg/g711_x64P.xdl] Deleting file 
gmake: *** [all] Error 2

I find there are some different between my example and the video_copy. I note 
that the algorithm libraries format which the video_copy link is *.a64p,but 
that of my example is *.l64p. I can rebuild the algorithm for example 
viddec_copy and videnc_copy which the video_copy CE server consume.But i can't 
do that on the algorithm G711DEC and G711ENC,because i have no the source 
code.I can only use the pre_build library(*.l64p) I got form TI. I tried to 
link the *.l64p as *.a64p,and got the upper errs. Can you help me? How can I 
link the *.l64p library successfully?

best regards,
Davinci-linux-open-source mailing list

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