   do      startx&
and then check it .......
  -----Original Message-----
  From: Gabriel Teixeira [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, August 24, 2007 5:27 AM
  Cc: davinci-linux-open-source@linux.davincidsp.com; Ronaldo Husemann
  Subject: Re: Problems installing a USB keyboard

  Hi Amol

  I´ve cheked the lsusb and it detected the USB driver and set the DISPLAY
var to LOCALHOST:0 as you´ve suggested but it still don´t work. So I edited
the .config of the kernel and compiled it. The only setting I changed was
the CONFIG_USB_MUSB_HDRC that was previously with "m". The other were
already setted with "y". But still didn´t work. I couldn´t even locate the
/dev/input/event0 . The /dev/input/mice was the only device present in that
folder. I think the problem is with the usbhid. I could install it with
modprobe and with insmod by locating the .ko (the effect is the same, but
I´ve tested both). What could be else?

  Gabriel Diego Teixeira

  On 8/22/07, Amol D Pise <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    I think you made USB driver as static in kernal, so no need to insert
musb module again.
    Check whether device( USB keyboard) is detected or not by giving
following command
    # lsusb
    if yes, then to test keboard functionality, #export DISPLAY=LOCALHOST:0
and do
    If still problem, then chech your kernal ".config" file  and set these
    once again compile kernal .
    and try it.

    I think, It will work .......................................

    Amol Pise

      -----Original Message-----
incidsp.com ]On Behalf Of Gabriel Teixeira
      Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2007 9:43 PM
      To: davinci-linux-open-source@linux.davincidsp.com
      Cc: Ronaldo Husemann
      Subject: Problems installing a USB keyboard

      I´m trying to install a Dell USB keyboard. I got the musb_hdrc.ko to
use as driver from the compiled kernel but when I try to install the driver
apears such message:

insmod musb_hdrc.ko
      musb_hdrc: version 2.2a/db-0.4.8 [pio] [host] [debug=0]
      kobject_register failed for musb_hdrc (-17)
      insmod: error inserting 'musb_hdrc.ko': -1 File exists

      And if list the installed modules I get:

      Module                  Size  Used by
      usbhid                 26272  0
      dvt_dsa                 2544  0
      dsplinkk               68632  0
      cmemk                  12476  0
      ipv6                  275344  10

      So, the musb_hdrc is not installed (at least, is what I think). So,
why does it claims the drivers already exists? What should I do for put the
keyboard working?

      Thanks in advance
      Gabriel Teixeira

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