> I did not write exclusively to the SET_RISE_TRIGn or SET_FALL_TRIGn
> register as I was configuring using DSP/BIOS. We have configured the
> HWI_INT4 in DSP/BIOS and entered "68" in interrupt selection number
> field and a ISR handler function with Interrupt Mask as 'all'. But the
> control is never coming into the ISR????

Hey guys,

As been repeated multiple times on the list, you HAVE to set either SET_RISE 
or SET_FALL. If neither are set, then you not get an interrupt.

Also note, depending on some systems, you MAY have to use the following:


Once ALL the directions are followed, you should get interrupts. If only some 
are followed, you will get nothing.

Does this make sense?


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