
in DaVinci wiki I saw the change

by "Bernardb" and assume that is you? Sorry if not ;)

-- cut --
You cannot use u-boot's NAND drivers to write the UBL because the RBL (that loads the UBL) expects a non-standard ECC format.
-- cut --

While this is totally correct, you can write UBL to NAND if you apply a patch teaching U-Boot to write the special ECC format. I sent one some weeks ago

Sergey commented that this isn't "right", but seems that he didn't refer to the technical part of the patch.

If you find this useful like me, I can try to update the patch and resend it again. Or should we at least mention it in wiki, so that interested people can apply it? (Assuming they know what they do regarding Sergeys comments)

What do you think?


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