
I try to change the memory map of the DSP to enlarge the DDR. 
It looks like this:

                base            len             end
LINUX           80000000        3D09000         83D09000
HEAP            83D09000        BCF7000         8FA00000
DDR             8FA00000        200000          8FC00000
WRITEMEM        8fc00000        100000          8FD00000
READMEM         8fd00000        100000          8FE00000
DSPLINKMEM      8fe00000        100000          8FF00000
RESET_VECTOR    8ff00000        80              8FF00080
free            8ff00080        fff80           90000000

(This is how it looks before. With this map it works:
 LINUX          80000000        3D09000         83D09000
 HEAP           83D09000        BEF7000         8FC00000
 WRITEMEM       8fc00000        100000          8FD00000
 READMEM        8fd00000        100000          8FE00000
 DSPLINKMEM     8fe00000        100000          8FF00000
 RESET_VECTOR   8ff00000        80              8FF00080
 DDR            8ff00080        fff80           90000000

I did only change the size of the heap and DDR and placed the DDR after 
the heap. Now when starting my program I get an error (PROC_load fails) 
and on the console: ''Error: DSP-side memory map does not match 
configuration. Compare DSP-side TCF/MAP file with  

Cause I am on cygwin I have a dir with the cygwin-env and a dir with 
the dsp-env. I made some symbolic links:

is a link to


is a link to

Where is the problem? Has the map to be in a specific oder?

Bye and thanks - Robert

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