I'm running into a performance issue with using USB memory sticks -
namely very low write performance. I've recently ported to LSP 1_20
(from the beta) and after searching the mailing list there seemed to be
some mention of a patch level 45 on the 6446 that would fix this issue...

But of course for the Dm355 distribution on the Ti update site, patch
level 14 is the current one. And to top it off, they don't apply cleanly
with quilt.

So before I go through each patch individually I'd like to make sure
that these patches will help with my problem. Most of the comments seem
to be relating to OTG functionality - but the patch labeled
lsp_1_20_usb_intr_schedule_fix_014.patch - sounds like it could be helpful.

Any help is appreciated,

Davinci-linux-open-source mailing list

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