
If you don't want the hassle of version controlling loads of files you have no interest in then may I suggest you use the 'quilt' package to manage your patches to the kernel. The package is available for RedHat/Fedora/CentOS and probably *buntu as well.

With this your workflow becomes

1/ Create patch (quilt new my_funky_patch.diff)
2/ Add files to the patch (quilt add myfile.c)
3/ Edit files as you choose.......
4/ Generate patch file (quilt refresh)

You can then remove your patch (quilt pop) & re apply (quilt push). The idea is to create a series of patches - each push & pop will add or remove the current or next patch in the series. If you remove all your patches you should end up with the code you started with.

I have found this very useful, several weeks later you can list the files in your patch (quilt files) and remember which files you have changed and if you pick a good name for your patch you should be able to remember what the patch does. With quilt it becomes easy to back out a change if it goes bad - the only problem is having the discipline to add the file to the patch before starting to edit it. Well that is what I kept doing till I got the hang of it anyway. It is certainly better than guesswork ;-)


Phil Q

Andrea Gasparini wrote:

Stankiewicz Bredkjaer spiffera, alle lunedì 08 dicembre 2008 circa:
Any help would be very appreciated.
I just need some hints where to look for, in order to fix it.

you just gave the right answer:
and after some changes (i do not remember which) in my development files
Take a clean kernel and redo all the steps you made.
That's a good reason to use a VCS, or keep track of all the patches you apply.

When you'll find the code that raise your issue, we could help you in deeper. :)

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