The 6.1.x codegen tools have a feature called hide/unhide.  You could do 
something like:  

--hide=* --unhide=api_base_name_*

This will replace all the symbol names (with the exception of api_base_name_*) 
with zeros.


[] On Behalf Of 
Ben White
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2008 6:15 AM
Subject: Security of IP in distributed codecs


As you know, it takes a lot of effort to develop a codec for the DSP. There is 
usually a significant amount of IP in the code and a pure software business is 
vitally dependent on sales of the codec for survival.

Once a codec is available for distribution, it is normally distributed as an 
a64P (archive) file. This necessarily has all of the symbols publicly available 
such that it can be linked when building a server .x64P.

However, this presents a big security risk - in a lot of situations, the a64P 
file must be given to a third party for integration into their product. Since 
all of the symbols in the a64P file are easily viewable it would make the 
cracking of any security features in the codec easier by the third party.

So my question is whether there's a more secure way to distribute these 
valuable software libraries?


Davinci-linux-open-source mailing list

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