Hi Chris,
  I tried with some code changes and observe that the application runs
successfully when I disable the memory allocations added in
SCALE_TI_Alloc() function in scale_ti_impl.c file. So there is some
problem it seems with the memory allocation.
 Another problem I am facing is with starting the DSP side traces. I
am unable to get them on the ARM side. Can you please suggest some
steps for that?


On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 10:46 PM, Ring, Chris <cr...@ti.com> wrote:
> Can you run your app with the CE_DEBUG env var set to 2 or 3?
> http://tiexpressdsp.com/index.php?title=CE_DEBUG
> Looks like you're DSP load is ok, but something's going wrong locating or 
> starting the remote alg.  CE_DEBUG=3 will increase the amount of trace, as 
> well as provide the DSP-side inlined with the ARM-side API calls.
> Chris
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:
>> davinci-linux-open-source-bounces+cring=ti....@linux.davincids
>> p.com
>> [mailto:davinci-linux-open-source-bounces+cring=ti....@linux.d
>> avincidsp.com] On Behalf Of bhushan
>> Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 8:23 AM
>> To: davinci-linux-open-source@linux.davincidsp.com
>> Subject: Remote node creation FAILED
>> Hi all,
>>   I am developing an application based on the scale example in the
>> codec_engine_1_10_01 package. The changes made are essentially adding
>> elements to the ISCALE_Params struct in the codecs/iscale.h file.
>> When I run the application it gives remote node creation failure. The
>> logs obtained are as follows:
>> Calling SCALE main()
>> TraceUtil> Warning: Failed to open local log file
>> "trace/cearmlog.txt", using stdout
>> TraceUtil> Warning: Failed to open dsp CE log file
>> "trace/cedsp0log.txt", using stdout
>> TraceUtil> Warning: Failed to open dsp/bios log file
>> "trace/bioslog.dat", disabling log
>> @0x00046a28:[T:0x00004000] ZZ - main> Welcome to app's main().
>> App-> Application started.
>> @0x00046c68:[T:0x00004000] OM - Memory_contigAlloc>
>> Enter(size=1024, align=-1)
>> @0x00046e53:[T:0x00004000] OM - Memory_contigAlloc> CMEM_alloc(1024) =
>> 0x40018000.
>> @0x00046f58:[T:0x00004000] OM - Memory_contigAlloc>
>> CMEM_getPhys(0x40018000) = 0x84133000.
>> @0x0004701c:[T:0x00004000] OM - Memory__addContigBuf>
>> Enter(virtAddr=0x40018000, size=1024, physAddr=0x84133000)
>> @0x000470e4:[T:0x00004000] OM - Memory__addContigBuf> creating new
>> contigBuf object
>> @0x000471ac:[T:0x00004000] OM - Memory__addContigBuf> returning:
>> cb->phys=0x84133000, cb->size=1024, cb->virt=0x40018000
>> @0x00047285:[T:0x00004000] OM - Memory_contigAlloc> return
>> (0x40018000)
>> @0x00047328:[T:0x00004000] OM - Memory_contigAlloc>
>> Enter(size=1024, align=-1)
>> @0x00047445:[T:0x00004000] OM - Memory_contigAlloc> CMEM_alloc(1024) =
>> 0x4001b000.
>> @0x00047523:[T:0x00004000] OM - Memory_contigAlloc>
>> CMEM_getPhys(0x4001b000) = 0x84130000.
>> @0x000475e2:[T:0x00004000] OM - Memory__addContigBuf>
>> Enter(virtAddr=0x4001b000, size=1024, physAddr=0x84130000)
>> @0x000476b0:[T:0x00004000] OM - Memory__addContigBuf> creating new
>> contigBuf object
>> @0x00047785:[T:0x00004000] OM - Memory__addContigBuf> returning:
>> cb->phys=0x84130000, cb->size=1024, cb->virt=0x4001b000
>> @0x00047864:[T:0x00004000] OM - Memory_contigAlloc> return
>> (0x4001b000)
>> After memory allocation
>> After opening files
>> @0x0004834b:[T:0x00004002] OP - daemon> thread created.
>> @0x00048483:[T:0x00004000] CE - Engine_open('scale', 0x0, 0xbefffaec)
>> @0x0004856c:[T:0x00004000] CE - rserverOpen('./all.x64P'), count = 0
>> @0x00048634:[T:0x00004000] OP - Process_create>
>> Enter(imageName='./all.x64P', attrs=0xbefffaf0)
>> @0x00048fc9:[T:0x00004002] OP - Process_create_d> Enter(proc=0x49640)
>> @0x000490c0:[T:0x00004002] OP - Process_create_d>
>> Initializing DSP PROC...
>> @0x000495d2:[T:0x00004002] OP - Process_create_d> Attaching
>> to DSP PROC...
>> @0x0004ad60:[T:0x00004002] OP - Process_create_d> Opening MSGQ pool...
>> @0x0004afcf:[T:0x00004002] OP - Process_create_d> Loading ./all.x64P
>> on DSP (2 args)...
>> @0x0005bc65:[T:0x00004002] OP - Process_create_d> Starting DSP PROC...
>> @0x0005c21a:[T:0x00004002] OP - Process_create_d> Opening
>> remote transport...
>> @0x0005c3fc:[T:0x00004002] OP - Process_create_d> return (1)
>> @0x0005c5c3:[T:0x00004000] OP - Process_create> return (0x49640)
>> @0x0005c69a:[T:0x00004000] CE - rserverOpen('./all.x64P'):
>> 0x42234 done.
>> @0x0005c758:[T:0x00004000] OC - Comm_create> Enter(queueName='scale',
>> queue=0x49620, attrs=0x0)
>> @0x0005c921:[T:0x00004000] OC - Comm_create> return (0x49678)
>> @0x0005ca27:[T:0x00004000] OC - Comm_alloc> Enter(poolId=0x0,
>> msg=0x4962c, size=576)
>> @0x0005cb1d:[T:0x00004000] OC - Comm_alloc> msg=0x4032a900,
>> returning (0)
>> @0x0005cbd7:[T:0x00004000] OC - Comm_locate> Enter(queueName='rmsq',
>> queue=0x4961c)
>> @0x0005e614:[T:0x00004000] OC - Comm_locate> return (0)
>> @0x0005e6f9:[T:0x00004000] CE - checkServer(0x49610)
>> @0x0005e7bd:[T:0x00004000] OC - Comm_put> Enter(queue=0x0,
>> msg=0x4032a900)
>> @0x0005e8a9:[T:0x00004000] OC - Comm_put> return (0)
>> @0x0005e99a:[T:0x00004000] OC - Comm_get> Enter(queue=0x10000,
>> msg=0xbefffae8, timeout=-1)
>> @0x0005ea82:[T:0x00004000] OC - Comm_get> return (0)
>> After opening engine
>> @0x0005ebb2:[T:0x00004000] extensions.scale.SCALE - SCALE_create>
>> Enter (server=0x49610, name='scale', params=0xbefffb48)
>> @0x0005ecba:[T:0x00004000] CV - VISA_create(0x49610, 'scale',
>> 0xbefffb48, 0x804, 'extensions.scale.ISCALE')
>> @0x0005eda9:[T:0x00004000] CE - Engine_createNode(0x49610, 'scale',
>> 804, 0xbefffb48)
>> @0x0005ee78:[T:0x00004000] OC - Comm_create>
>> Enter(queueName='gppfromnode', queue=0x49700, attrs=0x0)
>> @0x0005f047:[T:0x00004000] OC - Comm_create> return (0x49720)
>> @0x0005f1a3:[T:0x00004000] OC - Comm_put> Enter(queue=0x0,
>> msg=0x4032a900)
>> @0x0005f2a5:[T:0x00004000] OC - Comm_put> return (0)
>> @0x0005f34d:[T:0x00004000] OC - Comm_get> Enter(queue=0x10000,
>> msg=0xbefffa9c, timeout=-1)
>> @0x0005f784:[T:0x00004000] OC - Comm_get> return (0)
>> @0x0005f857:[T:0x00004000] OC - Comm_delete> Enter (comm=0x49720)
>> @0x0005fa68:[T:0x00004000] OC - Comm_delete> return
>> @0x0005fb4a:[T:0x00004000] CE - Engine_createNode> Remote node
>> creation FAILED (0x80008008).
>> @0x0005fc33:[T:0x00004000] CE - Engine_createNode> Returning 0x0
>> @0x0005fcdc:[T:0x00004000] CV - VISA_create> FAILED to create remote
>> codec (0x8).
>> @0x0005fd8e:[T:0x00004000] CV - VISA_delete(0x496d8)
>> @0x0005fe21:[T:0x00004000] CV - VISA_delete> deleting codec
>> (localQueue=0xffff, remoteQueue=0xffff)
>> @0x0005fee3:[T:0x00004000] extensions.scale.SCALE -
>> SCALE_create> return (0x0)
>> App-> ERROR: can't open codec scale
>> @0x0005ffe8:[T:0x00004000] CE - Engine_close(0x49610)
>> @0x0006007b:[T:0x00004000] OC - Comm_free> Enter (msg=0x4032a900)
>> @0x00060142:[T:0x00004000] OC - Comm_free> return (0)
>> @0x00060200:[T:0x00004000] OC - Comm_delete> Enter (comm=0x49678)
>> @0x000603c9:[T:0x00004000] OC - Comm_delete> return
>> @0x000604a4:[T:0x00004000] OC - Comm_release> Enter(queue=0x0)
>> @0x0006056b:[T:0x00004000] OC - Comm_release> return (0)
>> @0x000b3765:[T:0x00004000] CE - rserverClose(0x42234), count = 1
>> @0x000b3835:[T:0x00004000] OP - Process_delete> Enter(proc=0x49640)
>> @0x000b396b:[T:0x00004002] OP - Process_delete_d> Enter (proc=0x49640
>> @0x000b3a43:[T:0x00004002] OP - Process_delete_d> Closing
>> remote transport...
>> @0x000b3c18:[T:0x00004002] OP - Process_delete_d> Stopping DSP...
>> @0x000b3d9d:[T:0x00004002] OP - Process_delete_d> Closing pool...
>> @0x000b3fbc:[T:0x00004002] OP - Process_delete_d> Detaching
>> from DSP...
>> @0x000b66d2:[T:0x00004002] OP - Process_delete_d> Destroying DSP...
>> (object, that is)
>> @0x000b6a97:[T:0x00004002] OP - Process_delete_d> return
>> @0x000b6c06:[T:0x00004000] OP - Process_delete(0x49640)
>> freeing object ...
>> @0x000b6ce9:[T:0x00004000] OP - Process_delete> return.
>> @0x000b6d8a:[T:0x00004000] CE - rserverClose(0x42234) done.
>> @0x000b7203:[T:0x00004000] OM - Memory_contigFree>
>> Enter(addr=1073840128, size=1024)
>> @0x000b735e:[T:0x00004000] OM - Memory__removeContigBuf>
>> Enter(virtAddr=0x40018000, size=1024)
>> @0x000b745e:[T:0x00004000] OM - Memory__removeContigBuf> removing
>> cb->phys=0x84133000, cb->size=0x400, cb->virt=0x40018000
>> @0x000b7544:[T:0x00004000] OM - Memory_contigFree> return (1)
>> @0x000b75ea:[T:0x00004000] OM - Memory_contigFree>
>> Enter(addr=1073852416, size=1024)
>> @0x000b76ec:[T:0x00004000] OM - Memory__removeContigBuf>
>> Enter(virtAddr=0x4001b000, size=1024)
>> @0x000b77bb:[T:0x00004000] OM - Memory__removeContigBuf> removing
>> cb->phys=0x84130000, cb->size=0x400, cb->virt=0x4001b000
>> @0x000b7896:[T:0x00004000] OM - Memory_contigFree> return (1)
>> app done.
>> Complete SCALE main()
>> @0x000b7aaf:[T:0x00004002] OP - daemon> thread terminating
>> @0x000b7def:[T:0x00004000] OT - Thread_join> Enter (task=0x47188)
>> @0x000b8384:[T:0x00004000] OT - Thread_join> Exit (task=0x47188)
>>          Please suggest on how to overcome this problem,
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Bhushan
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