Well, I won't expect the flexLM issue addressed on that thread, if I recall correctly last time I checked some codesourcery toolchain that I got my hands on, it has some flexlm integration as well, (and some of the developers on the thread are codesourcery members).

I recall when I saw that codesourcery used flexlm I was curious on how they manage the GPL part, but as far I could manage to grep around, they created a GPL part that just happened to call some flexlm executable helpers (but I may have read the code wrong, you know, gcc code is not quite a programming lesson except on how to create non- manageable code. Long live llvm!).

I guess fooling the flexLM should not be a big issue if MV didn't do any GPL violation (because all you have to do is remove the calls to some external non-GPL flexLM code). They should provide you access to the source code even if you are not a customer using support.mvista.com, since they are redistributing GPL code, so just mail them for the source code.

I think we should just wait to see the code before panicking on GPL violation. (Correcting my previous statement, I thinking having the toolchain stop working is not very into the GPL spirit, but not quite sure a GPL violation).


Disclaimer: the opinions expressed are my own, and not reflect the position or policy of my employer.

On Aug 6, 2009, at 5:06 PM, David Brownell wrote:

On Thursday 06 August 2009, Vladimir Pantelic wrote:

Those messages don't touch on the FlexLM issue.

Distributing just GCC (+patches) isn't enough.
Because its seems the GPL'd core is combined with
FlexLM, source to both must be available to anyone
who gets that combined product.

If FlexLM is actually secure, exposing its source
won't reduce "security"...

TI may have duties here too, since they distribute
some MV tools with e.g. EVM boards.

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