
I have some questions regarding the previewer and the DVSDK :
What I want is to allocate a buffer, that will be an output
buffer for the preview driver, and an input buffer for a codec.

* Can I use memory alocated with Memory_contigAllocbuffer in the previewer, by doing something like this :

unsigned long usrptr, physptr;
usrptr = Memory_contigAlloc(somelength);
physptr = Memory_getBufferPhysicalAddress(usrpte, somelength, O);

fill a prev_buf struct with the given physical address and use it in the previewer?

* If it is not possible, can I do it the otherway around, ie :
allocate buffer in the previewer (PREV_REQBUFS), query and mmap them in
my app, and use the as input buffer for the encoder ?

The first solution is less coding, but in my current codethe output of Memory_getBufferPhysicalAddress does not look like a physical address
to me.

Thank you for any advice
Jean-Philippe François.

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