Thanks a  lot Rob.


calling this function for each of the pointers used with CodecEngine
solved the problem.

However, we need something else, some function that invalidates all this
virt->phy table and not each of the virtual pointers separately.

Is there a way to do a full invalidate in a single call without keep
tracking on each of the virtual pointers?


The reason that Memory_unregisterContigBuf it is not enough for us:

In our system, we allocate a very big buffer from CMEM (258048 bytes),
but we don't call CodecEngine with a pointer to the big buffer.

We are dividing the buffer to small slices (can be hundreds, not
necessarily with the same size), and call CodecEngine with pointers to
these small slices.

Thus, CodecEngine keeps the pointers to the small slices in its
virt->phy tables, so we need to call Memory_unregisterContigBuf for each
and every one of the small slices. 

In the current structure of our application it is not practical for us
to keep tracking on each of the slices and its size.


Thanks in advance,




[] On
Behalf Of Tivy, Robert
Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2009 8:59 PM
To: Amit Klir;
Subject: FW: Cmem address translation when working with Codec Engine


Oops, forgot to "Reply All"...


- Rob



        From: Tivy, Robert 
        Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2009 10:57 AM
        To: 'Erez Kinarti'
        Subject: RE: Cmem address translation when working with Codec



        Thanks for your detailed explanation, it allows me to understand
your problem and the solution.


        The bottom line is that you should be using CE's Memory module
to allocate CMEM memory.  This will alleviate your wrong phys addr to
the DSP.  If you want to continue using CMEM_alloc/free, then you can
remove CE's cached virt->phys translation with:

            Memory_unregisterContigBuf(virtAddr, 258048);


        The reason you need to use CE's Memory module is because the
codec class stub file is using it to get the phys addr of a virt buffer.
What happens when you allocate outside of Memory is the following:

            - allocate with CMEM_alloc(), which causes the kernel to
create the virt-phys mapping (there is no table in CMEM).

            - pass this buffer to <CODECCLASS>_process()

            - <CODECCLASS>_process() calls

            - the Memory module keeps a cache of virt->phys mappings,
and since Memory hasn't seen this buffer before, it asks CMEM with

            - CMEM returns the correct phys addr and Memory caches this

            - you free the buffer, which frees the kernel mapping for
it, then allocate a new one, and the Linux kernel creates a new mapping

            - the Linux kernel decides to reuse the same virt addr from
before, but this time with a different phys addr

            - <CODECCLASS>_process() calls

            - since Memory module didn't know about the freeing of the
previous buffer, it uses its old cached translation.


        To allocate CMEM through Memory:

              Memory_AllocParams params;
            params.type = Memory_CONTIGPOOL;
            params.flags = Memory_CACHED; // or Memory_NONCACHED if so
            addr = Memory_alloc(258048, &params);
            Memory_free(addr, 258048, &params);




        - Rob





                From: Erez Kinarti [] 
                Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2009 12:10 AM
                To: Tivy, Robert; Amit Klir;
                Subject: RE: Cmem address translation when working with
Codec Engine

                Hello Rob,


                I'm working with Amit on the same problem.

                Thank you very much for your quick answer and willing to


                We take the buffers directly from Cmem pool.

                We have a pool of 3x258048 in cmem (three buffers with
size 258048), and we take one of the buffers from CMEM directly using

                We do it only once for the speech codec, and this buffer
is the only buffer used by us as for output buffer.

                After we close the codec (SPHENC_delete), we release the
buffer back to CMEM directly using CMEM_free.

                All the CMEM allocation and free is done directly with
CMEM and NOT via CodecEngine.


                In our case, after closing the codec and releasing the
buffer, we want to reopen the codec.

                What we do is getting a new buffer from CMEM directly
using CMEM_alloc, and then opening the codec using SPHENC_create.


                Another issue that is important is that in the second
time, we get from CMEM a buffer with the same virtual address as the
first buffer, just with different physical address. It seems like CMEM
changed the virtual to physical mapping.

                However, when calling the DSP, it seems like CE is using
the same mapping as in the first time which is no longer valid, and the
DSP codec is getting a pointer to the physical buffer used in the first


                Is it possible that CMEM is changing the address
translation mapping and CE is not synchronized with it and is using its
old virt-to-phy mapping.



                Our main question:


                What action should we do in order to synchronize the
virt-to-phys cache in CE's Memory module with the CMEM virtual to
physical mapping?

                Is there any CE command that tells CE to invalidate its
virt-to-phys cache and take the updated values from CMEM?







                From: Tivy, Robert [] 
                Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2009 7:52 PM
                To: Amit Klir;
                Cc: Erez Kinarti
                Subject: RE: Cmem address translation when working with
Codec Engine


                How are you "returning CMEM buf to the pool" for each
codec thread?


                CE contains a virt-to-phys cache in CE's Memory module,
and a CE codec class stubs file will use the Memory module to translate
the virt addr to a phys addr.  If CMEM buffer allocation is happening
through the Memory module but CMEM buffer freeing is done through just
CMEM then this situation can happen.


                There is no known problem in CMEM 2.10 of this sort,
however CMEM 2.10 is older and I believe you could upgrade to LinuxUtils
2.25 which contains a later CMEM.  There is also a CE 2.25 that you
could upgrade to.


                In order for me to tell more of what's going on I would
need to see some trace output from your application.  Later CE releases
contain support for an environment variable called CE_DEBUG that can be
set to 1|2|3.  Setting it to 3 will generate lots of useful output (and
lots of "noise" too, unfortunately).  I don't recall if 2.10 supports
CE_DEBUG or if that came after 2.10, if not then you would have to use
CE_TRACE instead (which is documented).  If you can run your app with
this trace output enabled and send it to me I can take a look.




                - Rob



[] On
Behalf Of Amit Klir
                        Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2009 7:26 AM
                        Cc: Erez Kinarti
                        Subject: Cmem address translation when working
with Codec Engine


                        I'm working with DaVinci DM6467, using ARM
running linux, and CodecEngine as the interface between ARM and DSP.

                        My application is doing audio and video encoding
in parallel in two different threads.

                        I'm also using CMEM version 2.10 for continuous
buffers allocation.

                        The problem is that, in some situation, the CMEM
buffer physical address viewed by ARM (using CMEM_getPhys()) is
different than the physical address sent to DSP (translated by

                        Scenario where ArmPhyAddr != DspPhyAddr:


                        In my application, I open CodecEngine and then
open two codecs on the DSP: VIDENC1 and SPHENC1.

                        In the beginning both codecs are running in two
different threads, and for each of them we keep a CMEM buffers pool in
ARM for their IO buffers.

                        When the app starts running, for each Codec it
take a single buffer from the relevant Cmem pool, and use only this
buffer for all the run.

                        In the beginning the physical addresses viewed
by ARM and DSP are equal.

                        After a while, we do the following sequence of
closing and opening the codecs:

                        1.      Close and open the video codec

                        -       VIDENC1_delete()

                        -       Return the CMEM buf of VIDENC to the

                        -       Take a new CMEM buffer from the pool to
be used for VIDENC.

                        -       VIDENC_create()

                        -       Running video processing of a stream ...

                        2.      Close and open the speech codec:

                        -       SPHENC1_delete()

                        -       Return the CMEM buf of SPHENC to the

                        -       Take a new CMEM buffer from the pool to
be used for SPHENC.

                        -       SPHENC_create()

                        -       Running speech processing of a stream

                        After doing this sequence and continue running
the video and audio processing.

                        Now on the SPHENC codec,  the CMEM buffer
physical address viewed by ARM is different than the one viewed by the
DSP for the same buffer.

                        In addition I see that there is a constant
offset between them which is the size of a CMEM buffer used for the
speech (in our case 258048).

                        That means that the same virtual address in the
ARM is translated in ARM to different physical address than the one
translated by CodecEngine.

                        It seems like two different translation tables
are used, and they are not synchronized.

                        Our CMEM pool for the speech usage is made of 3
buffers of size 258048.


                        Does anyone know what can cause this problem? To
me it seems like CMEM problem, however, when checking in TI site I see
that version 2_10 that I'm using is currently the official version.

                        Thanks in advance for any help,


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