Hi all,

i am using DM6446. i used the video_copy example to implement my codec, and i 
do it. now i do another one based also on the video_copy example but i want now 
to integrate both of them.

note:- currently i have 2 seperate folder structures each one contains the 
folders named ("apps", "buildutils", "codecs", and "servers")

i want to have only one folder structure for the 2 codecs.

Is there any document/URL/HELP/Suggestions to do this? or this is not possible 
to do this at all?


I tryed below but it failed


i modified ceapp_init(), that open, (Engine_open()), the codec engine and 
create, (VIDDEC_create()), two video decoders that attached to it.

as below


    // reset, load, and start DSP Engine 
    if ((ceHandle = Engine_open(engineName, NULL, NULL)) == NULL) 
        printf("CEapp-> ERROR: can't open engine %s\n", engineName);
        goto init_end;
        printf(">>CEapp-> Engine opened %s\n", engineName);

    // activate DSP trace collection thread 

    // allocate and initialize video decoder on the engine 
    decHandle1 = VIDDEC_create(ceHandle, decoderName1, NULL);
    if (decHandle == NULL) 
        printf("CEapp-> ERROR: can't open codec %s\n", decoderName);
        goto init_end;

    decHandle2 = VIDDEC_create(ceHandle, decoderName2, NULL);
    if (decHandle == NULL) 
        printf("CEapp-> ERROR: can't open codec %s\n", decoderName);
        goto init_end;
    // success 
    status = 0;


also i created two functions named ceapp_decodeBuf1() and ceapp_decodeBuf2() 
each one call the corresponding decoder.

that is all i do, am i right or this is totally wrong or there is still other 
modifications that should be done and i missed!!!!!!

your help is highly appreciated

Mohamed AbdElwahed Ibrahim 
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