On Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 6:16 AM, Naresh Kansara
<nkans...@irvine-sensors.com> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I have loaded Linux version
> 2.6.10_mv1401-davinci_evm on my Custom board.
> I have also taken the ramdisk image that is provided with DVEVM package,
> unzipped it and added some other dvevm programs.
> I have also loaded the zipped version of this modified ramdisk.gz file in to
> DDR memory at location 0x82000000.
> My custom board boots correctly and I am at Linux prompt, but when I do ls
> on /dev directory, I do not see /dev/fb/0 through /dev/fb/3.
> The problem I am facing is trying to run “encoderdecoder” software on custom
> board; it does not find the drivers  /dev/fb/0
> Can somebody give me an idea from where to get the device drivers /dev/fb/0
> through /dev/fb/3.  I could not find it in the ramdisk image or in any other
> directory on host.
> OR if it needs to be built on Target system, how to build it?
> Thank you & Regards,
> Naresh
> Naresh Kansara

Hi Naresh,

I suggest you to check
1. "ls /sys/class/graphics/fb* " or
2. "cat /proc/devices  | grep fb "
Also do kernel log / dmesg shows any fb related stuff.

If above logs, shows presence of FB, just create /dev/fb/* using mknod.
Otherwise, you may not have enabled fb driver in kernel config in
driver->graphics tab.

Regards, Viral
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