On 01/18/2011 08:22 AM, Subhasish Ghosh wrote:
> Hi Cyril,
> I am referring the SSP driver to implement the PRU MFD driver. 
> I had a few concerns regarding this.
> First of all, does the SSP support multiple execution units, in a sense that
> its able to run multiple serial devices at once, like multiple channels.
> If so, then its definitely a MFD.

Yes, the SSP IP has two execution units (aka ports/cells) which can be
programmed to run distinct protocols simultaneously.

> But, on the other hand, the PRU is only a single execution unit i.e it can
> execute only a single firmware/protocol at a time.
> Secondly, since even PRU is multi-driver or so to say "multi functional",
> will that be a reason good enough to categorize it as a MFD, even if there
> is only one execution unit.

Could you elaborate on the PRU usage scenario?  Is the "function" fixed
at init time, or will your drivers allow functions to be accessed in an
interleaved fashion?

In my opinion, if the function is fixed at init, MFD may be
inappropriate.  Sam and Dave (copied) may have better inputs on this.
You can also dig up background discussions on the same topic from the ML

- Cyril.
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