On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 02:12:32PM +0530, Subhasish Ghosh wrote:
> Hello,
> I had kept separate files to affirm the modularity and ease of
> portability of the system.
> There are three different interfaces,
> 1. The Linux driver interface
> 2. The PRU control interface
> 3. The McASP serializer interface.
> To maintain modularity, I  had classified the files respectively as :
> 1.  pruss_suart.c
> 2.  pruss_suart_api.c
> 3.  pruss_suart_utils.c
> This is not a single device which can be expressed as a single file,
> but functionally different devices logically cascaded together to
> work in unison.
> We use the PRU for packet processing, but the actual data is
> transmitted/received through the
> McASP, which we use as a serializer.
> I feel to combine these disparate functionalities into a single file
> will not
> 1. Help better understanding the device. I mean, why should a TTY
> UART driver be aware of the McASP or the PRU.
> 2. In case of a bug in the API layer or McASP, the driver need not
> be touched, thus improve maintainability.
> 3. If we need to port it to another Linux version, just editing the
> driver file should suffice, this will reduce bugs while porting.

If your code is in the kernel tree, you do not need to ever port it to a
new version, as it will happen automatically as new kernels are
released, so this really isn't anything to worry about.

> To me, combining all of these into a single file only creates a
> mess. This is the reason I had separated them into different files!!
> I don't understand why should it be better to have all of these into
> a single file.

As Alan stated, just use 3 files in the directory with the other
drivers, you don't need a subdir for something small like this.


greg k-h
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