I do not believe any future  ROUTE and ROUTE6 object creation should
be permitted routinely, for non-RIPE address space, inside the RIPE
NCC routing registry.


On Thu, Jan 11, 2018 at 9:21 AM, denis walker via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> wrote:
> Colleagues
> Plans to implement the solution for NWI-5 by dropping the auth requirement
> from ASNs in ROUTE(6) object creation and marking existing out of region
> ROUTE(6) objects in the database with a different source tag are
> progressing.
> In December I asked if we should continue to allow the creation of new
> ROUTE(6) objects in the RIPE Database (with the new source tag) for non RIPE
> address space.
> There were a few comments supporting the view NOT to allow any new object
> creations. There were no comments supporting the continued creation of any
> new objects.
> During the earlier, lengthy discussion on NWI-5 quite a few people supported
> the use of the RIPE Database for ROUTE(6) objects for non RIPE address
> space. With the plan to drop the ASN auth requirement are those people
> satisfied that we no longer need to create these ROUTE(6) objects in the
> RIPE Database?
> So basically I am making a last call to see if anyone still feels there is
> any need to allow creation of any new ROUTE(6) objects in the RIPE Database
> for non RIPE address space?
> cheers
> denis
> co-chair DB WG

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