On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 04:32:07PM +0100, Edward Shryane wrote:
> as part of the Whois 1.91 release, we've added an NRTM "end of stream"
> comment, and deployed to the Release Candidate environment.
> Try connecting to whois-rc.ripe.net <http://whois-rc.ripe.net/> on TCP
> port 4444, and enter the command "-g RIPE:3:40956391-LAST -k". Each
> set of changes will be followed by an "end of stream" comment.

Seems I can't verify on that endpoint?

        [job@kiera ~]$ telnet whois-rc.ripe.net 4444
        Connected to whois-rc.ripe.net.
        Escape character is '^]'.
        %ERROR:402: not authorised to mirror the database from IP address
        Connection closed by foreign host.
        [job@kiera ~]$

Kind regards,


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