(Sorry about this.  typed the comment into the chat window, hit submit, got 
“disconnected” error, reconnected, but too late to comment.)

The comment at the mic was that there are many IP prefix resources in the 
database that are not globally routed, and that those objects were not part of 
the RIPE database purpose as stated. So collection of personal data for those 
objects could not rely on the RIPE database purpose for justification.

I disagree that the lack of current global routing for an IP prefix means the 
RIPE database purpose of facilitating coordination does not apply.

An allocated prefix can be globally announced at any time.  So there’s a need 
to have the data, anyway.

In the current state of routing security, an allocated prefix can be globally 
announced at any time, not necessarily by the legitimate prefix holder.  We’ve 
seen several examples of some ISP announcing a prefix that seemed not to be in 
use, sometimes even registering a route object for the announcement, and using 
that prefix for some unfriendly purpose.  So there is still a need to have 
contact data for a prefix even before the legitimate prefix holder decides to 
globally announce the prefix.  


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