Thanks Ed. Perhaps a way forward then would be if you can ask Customer Services 
to contact the maintainers of this object and ask them to delete it, explaining 
why. It's always better if people clean up their own objects.
cheersdenisco-chair DB-WG

      From: Edward Shryane <>
 To: denis walker <> 
Cc: Job Snijders <>; db-wg <>
 Sent: Monday, 8 October 2018, 20:04
 Subject: Re: [db-wg] remove bogon prefixes in the RIPE IRR NON-AUTH DB?
Hi Denis,

On 8 Oct 2018, at 19:51, denis walker <> wrote:
Are there any ROUTE(6) objects with source: RIPE for bogon prefixes or is this 
one that Job mentioned with source RIPE-NONAUTH the only one in the database 
(with either source)?

cheersdenisco-chair DB-WG

there weren't any ROUTE(6) objects with source: RIPE for bogon prefixes. The 
one that Job mentioned is the only one.
RegardsEd ShryaneRIPE NCC


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