Dear Working Group Members,

Below is the agenda for the Database Working Group for RIPE77. If you have any 
questions, comments, or requested changes please let the chairs know.

Best regards,

William & Denis
DB-WG Chairs

A. Introduction  - 5 min

  *   Welcome
  *   Scribe
  *   Jabber
  *   Agenda

B.  Operational Update RIPE Database – 20 mins Edward Shryane, RIPE NCC

C. RIPE-NONAUTH Cleanup –  20mins Job Snijders, NTT

D. Country Code Use in RIPE DB and Extended Delegated Statistics – 20 mins 
Ingrid Wijte, RIPE NCC

E. Discussion: PERSON objects in the RIPE Database – 15 mins Denis Walker

F. NWI - Open Proposals – 5 mins
Z. AOB (open discussion)

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